Human Brew Probiotic





Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 is a very high-quality, high-phototrophe EM secondary product with a long shelf life, high levels of beneficial microbial inoculant activity and high levels of antioxidants and related deodorising substances. Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 offers live beneficial microbes as a microbial inoculant culture, containing high levels of antioxidants and related energy compounds, and also contains key minerals and trace elements needed to nourish these microbes and beneficial wild microbes found in the environment. Properly used, relatively tiny amounts of Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 microbial and nutrient technology can yield the following effects:

  • reduce levels of many toxins
  • reduce phosphate levels
  • reduce nitrate levels
  • reduce levels of toxic substances
  • reduce levels of highly toxic polyvalent forms of toxic metals such as chromate, aka Chromium IV
  • reduce levels of pathogenic microbes.

The exact benefits in a particular situation will often be difficult to predict from afar, due to the multitude of variables encountered in any real-world situation and the handling methods employed. This document will examine briefly some of the mechanisms via which this beneficial microbial technology reduces levels of pathogenic microbes. Much as noted earlier regarding specific benefits, due to the extreme multitude of variables in a particular waste stream, and the ranges over which these variables may vary, it can be difficult to describe or predict all of the major pathways via which the Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 may effect reductions in pathogenic microbes.

Basics of Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 Technology

Please remember that a glossary of terms used herein may be found at the end of the document.

The basic Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 technology is a mixed synergistic and metabiotic microbial consortium consisting of at least 20 naturally occurring and beneficial microbes from across at least three genera. This beneficial and metabiotic microbial consortium can function effectively in a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and across a wide range of pH.

Many of the microbes in the consortium exhibit pronounced antioxidative (aka reducing) and syntropic (aka negentropic) effects, performing microbial reduction (as in oxidation-reduction) and also producing numerous reducing (aka antioxidative) compounds. These latter compounds also exhibit massive deodorising effect, due largely to their chemical reducing action, as most undesirable odours are caused by oxidative compounds, which are readily neutralised by the antioxidative compounds found in Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4

It is important to note that several products in the Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 family, contain not merely the beneficial microbial consortium in a propagatable culture, but also contain a number of substances which are highly important in helping the microbial consortium to propagate and to become established in the media/environment to be treated; some of these special substances are:

1.   Minerals and trace elements  — these help to nourish the beneficial Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 microbes and other beneficial naturally-occurring wild microbes which will eventually form an even larger synergistic and metabiotic consortium in the environment to be treated.

2.   Nutrients and trace nutrients, including selected carbon sources which selectively nourish the beneficial Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 microbes and other beneficial naturally occurring wild microbes, which will eventually form an even larger synergistic and metabiotic consortium in the environment to be treated.

3.   Organic antioxidative (aka reducing) substances such as quinones, anthocyanins, polyphenols, flavonoids and carotenoids – these were produced largely via Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 microbial fermentation under controlled conditions, and help to not only neutralise many toxic and noxious substances (including gases), but also help to create a beneficial environment where the Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 microbial consortium may become quickly established and assure competitive advantage over undesirable (e.g., putrefactive or pathogenic) microbes.

4.   “Electron shuttles” and “electron relay” substances carriers such as quinones, ubiquinone, ATP, NADH, bacteriochlorophylls, microbial cytochromes, etc.; these assist in drastically shifting the chemistry and microbial balance of the environment to be treated.

5.   Unique soluble organic electron-shuttling compounds, which enable catalytic conversion of oxidative toxins, via facilitated reduction (redox) reactions. This allows breakdown by reduction (redox) of many toxic and hard-to-remediate substances, which can become problematic in environments to be treated. Some common electron shuttles or electron relays are quiniones, ubiquinone (COQ10), soluble microbial humic substances and certain organic acids such as malic acid and malates.

6.   Reducing agents, including low molecular weight and very low molecular weight antioxidants, including simple dielectric anionic hydrides and atomic hydrogen, both of which offer strong reducing (redox) power for neutralisation of hard-to-remediate substances. The presence of these simple dielectric anionic hydrides and atomic hydrogen (the latter produced by some of the phototrophic microbes in Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 products) may often be evidenced by downward shifts toward the reducing range of measures such as ORP (oxidation reduction potential) and the relative hydrogen score (aka rH2 or rH score, computed from pH and ORP). These substances act as powerful reducing agents to reduce oxidative toxic substances and break up clumped bulked sediment consisting largely of acidic oxidative end-products.

It is worth noting the beneficial microbes in Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 also produce considerable quantities of the above-named substances listed in numbered list items #3 through #6 as the microbes propagate in environments to be treated; these nutrients, factors and co-factors are a very important vehicle for many of the changes rendered by these Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 products.

Typical Primary and Secondary Mechanisms of Pathogen Reduction

This section will delineate some of the most common primary and secondary mechanisms of pathogen reduction by regular inoculation of the environment to be treated with Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 liquid.

Primary modalities will usually include:

  • Modification of environmental factors such as redox potential (ORP), pH, relative hydrogen score (rH2), levels of nutrient minerals and trace elements, relative position of the micro-environment along aerobic-anaerobic spectrum
  • Bio-transformation of foodstuffs which would otherwise have served as nutrients for undesirable microbes via digestion and chemical reduction (redox reaction)
  • Microbial competitive exclusion via competition for food sources and establishment of dominance by dominant species of microbes, offering entrainment of many other wild microbe species present, partly via nurturance and metabiotic activity and partially via the effects of microbial quorum sensing

Secondary modalities will usually include:

  • Modification of micro-environment via minerals, trace elements and reducing (antioxidative) compounds found in Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 liquid and reducing compounds (i.e., polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, arotenoids, uibquinone, very low molecular weight hydrogen-based antioxidants) produced by the beneficial microbes found in Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 liquid when growing in the targeted environment.
  • Providing foodstuffs and environments conducive to the growth of beneficial microbes, and manipulating nutrients and micro environments to provide sub-optimal conditions for survival of pathogenic microbes.

Do not store Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 in glass or other rigid containers, which may shatter or explode if some pressure builds up due to off gassing or due to negative pressures in the container. If you must store Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 in a glass or other rigid container, then you must employ a fail-safe two-way airlock or vent for safety reasons.

Always store Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 in a cool place, preferably from 4.5C to 27C. The range of 6C to 16C is best, the range of 4.5C to 32C is okay, and the range of 1C to 37 F is acceptable.

Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 must be stored anaerobically, that is, away from air. It should ideally be stored with as little airspace as possible above the surface of the liquid.

A container, which is filled from 90% to 100% of liquid capacity will have little airspace above the liquid, and this is optimal for lengthy storage of Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 On the other hand, if a container of Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 is stored with a large volume of airspace, such as a container which is only 30% full, leaving 70% dead airspace above the liquid, this is less than ideal, and the shelf life of the liquid may be shortened. As noted above, an airlock or a 2-way pressure vent cap may be used to exclude fresh air but allow pressure equalisation in the face of off-gassing (pressure build-up) or negative pressures in the container.

Evaluating Whether Your Batch is Still Usable and Safe

Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 will usually exhibit a useful shelf life for its microbial properties (more details in section below) of about 6 to 8 months from date of packaging. For other purposes, as described below in the Shelf Life section, the Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 liquid may remain useful for over 2 years from date of packaging if the liquid is stored properly (see Storage section above). In general, a batch of Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 can be considered safe to use if:

  • The pH is 3.65 or below. PH will often be in the range of  2.8 to 3.4, and sometimes as low as 2.7. This range is normal. (Pathogenic organisms cannot live in a pH below pH4.0)
  • The smell is fresh and clean and perhaps a bit sour
  • There should be no smell of decay or putrefaction
  • If you have means to measure ORP accurately (and are aware of how to handle and store ORP probes to ensure accurate readings),  then ORP should be below +90 mv.
  • The liquid should be light brown or reddish-brown to dark  brown or reddish-brown. In some cases, the liquid may appear reddish. This is also okay. (If the liquid has turned very dark brown or black, it will likely also smell bad, and must be considered to have gone bad.)
  • Many batches will form a light scale or film of a white to cream to tan-coloured (rarely, reddish or purple-coloured) layer on the top of the liquid. This is entirely normal and harmless, and is due simply to proliferation of beneficial surface-growing yeast in the Lindros PROBIOTIC  SOLUTIONS4
  • A small amount of pressure build-up or negative pressure in the storage container is normal and not a cause for worry, but this is why you want to store the liquid in a plastic container and allow for gas  pressure equalisation.

Shelf Life

For its beneficial microbial inoculant properties, Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 will usually have an effective shelf life of at least 6 to 8 months from the date of bottling. After this point, the microbial inoculant properties will decrease somewhat, but the powerful antioxidant and deodorising properties of Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 will usually remain powerful and effective for an additional 1.5 to 2 years or longer, if the liquid is properly stored anaerobically (away from fresh air.)

The role of probiotics has expanded from use in gut health maintenance and supplementation in the event of dysbiosis (microfloral imbalance) during antibiotic therapy, to a wide range of health   applications. With the increasing body of knowledge and research on known and emerging probiotic   strains, future trends envisage their increased inclusion in dietary supplements and functional foods targeting diverse preventive health maintenance needs.

Glossary and Endnotes

Glossary of Terms

A few terms which will be encountered in this document may be a bit foreign to anyone but a chemist or microbiologist, and thus we offer a brief glossary of terms to ensure that all readers understand the meaning of terms as they are used herein. The glossary follows:

Antioxidant – The term “antioxidant” is a term which indicates that a substance has chemical reducing power, where reduction is the opposite of oxidation, and where the reducing substance donates an electron or hydrogen atom to an atom, molecule or ion.  An antioxidant is therefore the opposite of an oxidiser, and an antioxidant is a substance, which has the ability to neutralise or destroy oxidised substances and oxidant radicals, also sometimes known as reactive oxygen species (aka ROS).  Further, some antioxidants, in some situations, have the ability to reverse the damage caused to organic molecules by oxidants (aka ROS). Antioxidants, as noted above, are actually a part of a larger family of substances called reducing agents, all of which neutralise oxidised substances or oxidant radicals.  Usually, particular reducing agents, which are useful in the fields of human or animal nutrition or in industry (e.g, prevention of corrosion, preservation of plastics, etc.) are called antioxidants.

Consortium — see section entitled microbial consortium

Disproportionation reactions – disproprotionation reactions are those in which a substance (usually a molecule or ion) is simultaneously oxidised and reduced, thus changing it considerably.  Because of the bi-directional and simultaneous nature of this exchange, such reactions are usually considered to be in a realm beyond traditional redox reactions.

Metabiotic — A metabiotic microorganism creates environmental conditions that favour the survival and growth of certain other microbes, and thus it co-operates with certain other microbes.  A metabitotic relationship is one in which two or more species of microbes create conditions which nurture and support growth of each other, which is a type of synergy, often forming a relatively stable and robust microbial consortium.  Thus, a metabiotic consortium (or aggregate) is a community of microbes, which are mutually supportive and adaptive.

Microbial consortium — Historians of science, as well as those who study the philosophy of science have noticed that biologists for much of the past two hundred years had tended to look at microorganisms only as single species at a time, and it was therefore (mistakenly) assumed by many in science that this was how they usually functioned in nature, as independent single species.  It has been only quite recently that biologists have come to understand that this earlier assumption of “individualist” species and colonies was a gross misconception, and that most species of microorganisms are found in nature not alone, but rather as part of a cluster or aggregate of from nine to about 35 (sometimes far fewer and sometimes far more) synergistic species, which biologists have started to call by the name microbial consortium (or consortia, as some authors use it, depending upon plurality.)

ORP — ORP, aka oxidation-reduction potential, shows relative degree of oxidative power or reductive (antioxidant) power of a liquid.  ORP is measured with a special probe and an ORP meter on a scale of +1,200 millivolts (mv.) to –1,200 mv., where a score of 1,200 indicates maximal oxidative ability and no reductive (antioxidant) ability, and where a score of –1,200 indicates maximal reducing (antioxidant) capability.  However, since true hydrogen and reducing power is influenced strongly by pH as well, ORP alone is only a rough and relative indicator of true oxidative or reducing (aka antioxidative) power of a liquid, and relative hydrogen score (aka rH or rH2 or RH), computed from pH and ORP, is a far more accurate indicator; please see section entitled relative hydrogen score.

Oxidation – This term comes from the fields of chemistry and biochemistry, and literally means the opposite of reduction. Oxidation means the removal of an electron from an atom, molecule or ion by an oxidiser or oxidant substance.  Oxidation, in effect, reverses reduction, and oxidation usually results in breakdown of organic materials and of complex substances, sometimes yielding toxic or foul-smelling compounds.  For a bit of perspective, oxidation and reduction reactions are quite common in chemistry and biochemistry, likely second only to acid-base reactions, and are often referenced via the shorthand term of “redox reactions”.

Oxidiser — An oxidiser, aka an oxidant, is a substance which aggressively tries to steal electrons from another substance, often damaging substances or living tissues in the process, thus resulting in a lower energy state and lower state of complexity and structure, which is also known as increased entropy. Please see sections on oxidative free radicals and reactive oxygen species (aka ROS) as well.  Oxidisers may be neutralised, and further, the damage which they wreaked may sometimes be reversed by, substances known as reducing agents, which, if useful in the field of human or animal nutrition, are often called antioxidants.

Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 — Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 a shorthand term for a microbial consortium (mixed culture) consisting of synergistic, metabiotic,  antioxidative,  syntropic microbes from at least three different genera, and more often six or more genera — and always containing purple non-sulphur bacteria (PNSB), aka phototrophic organisms; the culture technology is usually used in fermentation, agriculture and waste management, but also in other settings as well. Many Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 products also contain various nutrients and trace nutrients as well.

pH — pH indicates relative degree of alkalinity or acidity of a liquid. Scale is semi-logarithmic, and runs from 0 to 14, where 7 indicates neutral, a score below 7 indicates acidity, and a score above 7 indicates alkalinity; 0 indicates maximum acidity, and 14 indicates maximum alkalinity.

Phototrophic microorganisms — Phototrophic microorganisms are microbes which are photosynthetic, which can use sunlight to produce energy and energy compounds.  All Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 cultures contain at least 2 or 3 species of phototrophic organisms, usually from the extremely powerful and versatile and near-magical Purple Non-Sulphur Bacteria (PNSB) family, a family of soil-based and pond-based microbes commonly found in nature in soils, in ponds, on green leaves, in pitcher plants, and in icicles and other ice formations in the wild. These organisms are not obligate phototrophes, and can also consume organic material and even inorganic chemicals in anaerobic and even aerobic conditions.  See also section in Glossary on Purple non-sulphur bacteria.

PNSB — PNSB is an abbreviation used for the purple non-sulphur bacteria, an essential class of organisms found in the Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 consortium culture, and the heart of the culture.  Most Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 cultures contain at least 2 or 3 species of PNSB.

Purple non-sulphur bacteria — Purple non-sulphur bacteria, aka PNSB, are a family of phototrophic microbes which seem to possess powerful and interesting energy and antioxidative effects; an essential class of organisms found in Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 culture, and the heart of the culture.  Most Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 cultures contain at least 2 or 3 species of PNSB, a family of soil-based and pond-based microbes commonly found in nature in soils, in ponds, on green leaves, in pitcher plants, and in icicles and other ice formations in the wild.

Redox reactions — Oxidation and reduction reactions are a means via which substances may be modified in chemical form. These reactions are quite common in chemistry and biochemistry, likely second only to acid-base reactions, and are often referenced via the shorthand term of “redox reactions”.

Reducing compound or reducing agent — A reducing agent is a substance which neutralises oxidative radicals, aka reactive oxygen species (ROS), and, if a reducing agent is useful in the field of human or animal nutrition, it is often called an antioxidant.  Not all reducing agents known to science are useful antioxidants for life forms such as humans and animals, and so it may be said that not all reducing agents are effective antioxidants, but it is true that all antioxidants may function as reducing agents.  Please see antioxidant section as well. Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 liquid contains large amounts of antioxidants.

Reduction – while the word “reduction” in normal everyday usage will usually mean to decrease the quantity of some factor or measure, the term “reduction” has a more specialised meaning in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry, and literally means the opposite of oxidation. Thus, where oxidation means the removal of an electron from an atom, molecule or ion by an oxidiser or oxidant substance, reduction is the donation of an electron, or more precisely, the donation to an atom, molecule or ion of an electron or a hydrogen atom or a negatively-charged hydrogen atom. Reduction, in effect, reverses oxidation, and can often neutralise highly oxidised compounds. As a matter of note, all substances which are called “antioxidants” are reducing agents.  For a bit of perspective, oxidation and reduction reactions are quite common in chemistry and biochemistry, likely second only to acid-base reactions, and are often referenced via the shorthand term of “redox reactions”.

Reductive agent or reductive compound — please see reducing compound

Relative hydrogen score, aka rH2 or rH score — Relative hydrogen score, also known as rH2 or RH score, is a score proposed by Clark in 1923, derived from the Nernst equation, which expresses true hydrogen concentration/power in a liquid far more accurately than ORP alone.  rH score is computed from pH and ORP, and rH scores run from 0 to 42, where 28 is midpoint, scores approaching 42 indicate maximal oxidative power, and a score approaching 0 indicates maximal reducing or antioxidative power.  RH score is often employed in various sectors of the beer brewing industry, in the high-end aquarium world and in the food industry (esp. bottling of juices, etc.) to indicate relative oxidative damage to a liquid product versus relative reducing power (aka antioxidant protection) levels in such a product

More about a Probiotic

Probiotic is a word derived from Greek meaning ‘for life’. Essentially, probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics that indiscriminately kill all the beneficial bacteria in the body. Generally, probiotics are recommended for use during and after antibiotic treatments to replace and establish beneficial intestinal flora. Recent research, however, is demonstrating that environmental toxins and extensive use of chlorine in public water supplies are having detrimental effects on beneficial intestinal flora. Another great time to take a probiotic is before, during, and after a colon cleanse since probiotics help stimulate evacuation of the bowels and will colonize the intestines quickly when a detoxification is going on. Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 Probiotic utilizes a unique Japanese technology known as Effective Microorganisms™ Technology, which was introduced to the world in 1982. After 20 years of requests for a product specifically designed for the benefit of its human customers, Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 Probiotic is the first probiotic on the local market to contain phototrophic bacteria, a group of bacteria known to break down toxic substances and produce beneficial by-products such as the antioxidant vitamin A.

None of the ingredients in Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 Probiotic are genetically modified or synthetically engineered in any way. Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 Probiotic is naturally fermented under a quality controlled procedure that is the know-how of EM Research Organization of USA and Lindros.

Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4  contains the following microorganisms: Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus fermentus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Rhodopseudomonas palustris.

Lactic Acid Bacteria are known to reduce harmful microbes in the digestive tract and improve digestion. Some studies have even demonstrated the ability of lactic acid bacteria to stop the growth of H. pylori, the bacteria connected to causing stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. Yeast in Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Also known as brewer’s yeast, this yeast is a source of B-complex vitamins and protein and is a great source of chromium. This type of yeast is not related to yeast known to cause infections. Vitamin A, carotene , produced by Rhodopseudomonas palustris, is a known antioxidant and is beneficial for healthy skin, bones, and night vision. Organic Blackstrap molasses is a healthful sweetener that contains significant amounts of a variety of minerals that promote good health. Organic Aloe Vera Gel contains germanium, a known antioxidant which stimulates the immune system, increases transportation of oxygen into cells, and aids is cell and gene repair. Natural Honey provides essential nutrients, vitamins and is a good source of minerals- iron, sodium, phosphorous, & calcium. Honey aids in digestion and is a known antioxidant. Honey also provides allergy defense.

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement to promote healthy intestinal flora for a healthy individual. • Take three tablespoons daily with or without meals, for palatability, mix juice or water. • Individuals with ulcers should take small amounts, such as drops, as product has a low pH of 3.5. • Add Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 Probiotic to a glass of warm water or juice especially if you have ulcers or gout. • Individuals with dietary disorders should start with one to two drops a day until tolerance builds which is usually within 10-14 days. Always consult a physician before starting any program affecting your health. Some sedimentation may appear in bottom of bottle. Shake well before using.. Store out of direct sunlight. Lindros PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS4 Probiotic is a naturally fermented liquid product and is not pasteurized, some gas may build up in the bottle during shipping. Please open slowly and release pressure as you would with a carbonated beverage to prevent spillage.


*Not intended to Diagnose, Treat, or Cure Dis-ease or Illness, nor is it to be presented or construed, in any way, as a substitute for Professional Medical, Surgical or Psychiatric Care or Treatment.


.**This product has not been reviewed by the FDA or local equivalent and is not intended to treat or cure any health condition. As with all dietary supplements, please consult a health care practitioner before using. The user takes full responsibility for taking this product.