Lindros will consult, train, educate and offer onsite project management. Be this for gardens, plots, smallholders, farmers or co-operatives.

Lindros specializes in developing fertile healthy soils. These can then grow crops best suited to the general environment as well as to the needs of the producer.

Lindros is a member of the South African Organic Sector Organization SAOSA.

Alan of Lindros also sits on the Organic Strategy Implementation Committee or OSIC.

Alan has written 5 books on these subjects and books are available directly from Lindros.


  • Alan was the module leader for a master degree program at the Sustainability Institute, University of Stellenbosch. The module was entitled “Systems and technologies for a sustainable agriculture”
  • Alan can be asked to present day workshops or be a part in seminars addressing the shifting of consciousness and the role of agroecology