About Alan

Alan Rosenberg Work Biography
Born Johannesburg SA 1953. Matriculated and received a Diploma in general Agriculture from Glen Agricultural College in 1973.
1974 was spent in Israel in Kibbutz Ma-agan Michael working in a dairy with a herd of 250 milking cows.
Late 1974 and early ‘75 was spent at the then Kanheim Feedlot outside Middleburg with 38 600 head of beef.
1975 was spent in Delmas / Leslie area, Mpumalanga, co managing a mixed commercial farm of 1200 ha. Working with dairy, beef, sheep, poultry, dry land crops, irrigated vegetables, and some fruit.
1976 was spent again in Israel working in community with vegetables for industrial processing as well as vegetables for seed production
1977 – 81 was spent in Swaziland with the Ministry of Education. 1977 teaching agriculture to upper school children.
1978 – 81 establishing a training program for teachers of Primary School to become specialised agricultural teachers. This involved structuring the course, creating curriculum and establishing a demonstration model smallholding on 4 ha. The training institute still operates to date and is the Centre of Schools Agriculture in Swaziland.
1982/3 was spent at Emerson College, Sussex, England studying Biodynamic agriculture with Prof. Koepf
1984 was spent on the Emerson College 250 acre biodynamic farm. Mixed farming, cereals, poultry, woodlot, vegetables and a beef herd.
1985 – 88 was spent at the Tobias Art College, Sussex, England growing seasonal vegetables, herbs and fruit to feed the 45 students
1989 – 96 was spent developing a smallholding in Cresset House, Midrand, a village catering to people in need of special care. The enterprise supplying seasonal vegetables, herbs, fruit, milk, meat, eggs as well as pastures for the animals and field crops. The produce was used to feed the 70 resident people as well as generating income from excess produce sold on the open market. Alan was on the Board of Directors for four years, was a ‘house father and custodian for the land endeavour.
1997 – 98 was spent developing an organic/biodynamic farm (2500ha) in the Bronkhorstspruit / Witbank area. 110 Nguni cattle, composting enterprise, 7000 peach and nectarine trees and irrigated vegetables.
1999 – 2000 was spent working with Midrand Eco-city on community projects in the surrounding informal settlements. This involved about 600 people working through 5 registered co-operatives focusing on household food security and commercial vegetable production.
2001 to date Initiated Lindros Whole Earth Consultants and still working with “LINDROS”
1973 General Diploma from Glen Agriculture College, Free State, SA.
1973 Merino Wool Classers Diploma Glen Agriculture College, Free State, SA
1982/3 Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Emerson College, Sussex, UK
1997 Permaculture Design Course, Wildrocke farm, Johannesburg, SA
1999 Holistic Resource Management, Telperion Farm, Mpumalanga SA
2007 Decentralised Waste Water Treatment Systems, TED – BORDA Maseru, Lesotho
2007 Master Mentor National Department of Agriculture, SA
2018 Facilitators Course US 117871, A & T Services, SA
2018 Assessors Course US 115753, A & T Services, SA
2021 Training of Teams of Trainers, Sustainability Institute Stellenbosch, IFOAM Organic Academy
Lead and co-author “ORGANIC AGRICULTURE A HANDBOOK” ISBN 0-620-30952-0
Alan wrote “GLOBAL HEALTH IN CRISIS – The Answer Lies in the Soil” ISBN 0 – 620 – 35367 – 8
Alan also has written and published his third book entitled “BIODYNAMIC AGRICULTURE – A Conscious Choice” ISBN 978-0-620-45914-3
Alan’s 4th book is entitled “AGROECOLOGY – The Promise of Future Flourish” ISBN 978-0-620-55899-0
Alan was invited to write the opening chapter for a book entitled “Agroecology, Ecosystems, and Sustainability in the Tropics” published in India by Studera Press
Alan has co-written the first ‘Urban and Peri-urban Agroecological Integrated Strategy’, for Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council, 2013
Alan wrote “Agroecology, An Orientation Training Resource” May 2021 ISBN 978-0-620-92628-7
Alan has written articles for a number of magazines and journals including the Farmers Weekly, The Biodynamic Journal and Evoke. Alan has a large body of information he has written some of which is on his websites at www.lindros.co.za
Related Experience
- Member of the board of directors for the Biodynamic Agricultural Association of Southern Africa. 1992 – 1996
- Director of the Biodynamic and Organic Certifying Authority. (B.D.O.C.A) Alan is a subscriber on the board from its inception in 1998. Co-compiler of BDOCA documentation
- Member of the, Biodynamic Agricultural Association of S. A. (B.D.A.A.S.A.)
- Member of the Organic Agricultural Association of S. A. (O.A.A.S.A.) then O. S. A.
- Founding member of N.E.C.O.F.A. SA (Network of Ecological Farmers in Africa – South African branch)
- Was a board member of Eco-hope a registered N.P.O.
- Founding member of SACODAS (South African Council for Organic Development and Sustainability
- ICOFE, NAFU and BDAASA (through Alan Rosenberg’s mandate from BDAASA in 2006) have motivated the conduct of the FRIDGE Study (2008 – 2009) to the Dti, NEDLAC and the IDC. This study was to establish the organic produce and agro-ecology practices as a recognized economic sector in South Africa
- Alan presented at the Gauteng Food Summit 2008 Gallagher Convention Centre for the Fight Against the Rising Cost of Food
- Alan has been Module leader for Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture for a Programme in Sustainable Development, School of Public Management and Planning , University of Stellenbosch and Sustainability Institute, RSA
- Alan featured in the “Inspiring Lives Global” TV series as well as several other TV & radio appearances
- Alan is a member of SAOSO (South African Organic Sectors Organizations) a joint venture between DAFF/ the DTi agro-processing, Rural Development and Land Reform (RDLR), the department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) and stakeholders from the various constituencies interested in the OPAP (Organic Produce and Agro-ecology Practices).
- Through SAOSO Alan is a member of Organic Sector Strategic Implementation Committee (OSSIC) meetings at National Government co-working with SAOSO.
- Alan was for more than two decades a contributor to the Organic Production Standards for SA and was part of the team in this work with the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
- Alan helped to contribute to the National Organic Policy on Organic Farming document as well as to the National Strategy on Agroecology both documents of DAFF
- Alan presented at the Sustainable Water Resource Conference & Exhibition July 2012 Sandton Convention Centre
- Alan was a member of the National Organic Produce Initiative (NOPI) and represented the Organic Produce and Agroecology Practices training
- Alan spent 15 years contributing through agroecology to creating programmatic change through what has evolved and developed into the Municipal Applied Green Initiatives & Concepts (MAGIC)
- Alan was a founding member of the South African Agroecological National Initiative (SACANI) and worked towards the launch of the Agroecology Training Academy (ATA)
- Alan has co-written the first Urban and Peri-urban Agroecological Integrated Strategy, for Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council, 2013
- Alan presented “Agroecology, Context and a Tool for Sustainable Development” at the UNISA Research and Innovation Week, March 2014
- Alan drafted the original PICA (People Inner City Agroecology) which is the urban agriculture program for Metros to kick start food garden producers in cities and towns.
- Alan has written an Agroecological Manifesto as the ToR’s for his work
- Alan is an invited member of the African Agri Council and presented on agroecology at their first African Sustainable Agriculture SUMMIT April 2016
- Alan was elected to be the chairperson of the South African Organic Sector Organization (SAOSO)
- Alan initiated the Leadership Agroecology Centre of Excellence at 17 Shaft whose focus is to train Leaders as trainers in sustainable forms of agriculture
- Alan co-structured the 3 month residential program and ran the Agroecology component. The proof of concept course was done in collaboration with the SA Food Lab, WWF and Nedbank